UX and Design
National Geographic
I started by analyzing initial park renders to understand how guests would move throughout the experience. This gave me a better understanding of when they would be interacting with the Field Journal interface. Following this research, I created streamlined user flows and wireframes that made tasks easy for park guests to complete.
From the achievements tab, guests can see badges they’ve earned throughout the areas of the park, and see what steps they have left to complete a mission. They can also compare accomplishments with their friends, and see what level they’ve reached from their profile.
Guests complete missions as they move through the park by answering educational questions about whichever topic they’re exploring. The system prompts guests and helps to guide them throughout the park with interactive popups, all while encouraging them to continue to the next level and interact further.
For certain missions, guests need to snap pictures at camera stations. Once they’ve been taken, the photographs instantly appear in the photos tab of their Field Journal, and they can tap on each photo to get more detailed information. Guests see these photos in a scrapbook-like format for a dynamic and fun compilation of their Ultimate Explorer experience.